“The secret to living the life of your dreams is to start living the life of your dreams now,
to any degree that you can”!
Kathryn Kimmins
Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher & Practitioner
Educator, Trainer, Coach
Holistic Professional
Laugh Stress Away with Child-Like Play
“Living Healthier Lifestyles,” customized client packages, provide health & well-being programs to organizations that are serious about the care of their staff & clients.
As a well sought after keynote speaker, lecturer, corporate consultant, workshop facilitator and educator, I offer life changing experiences using laughter yoga and other self healing tools as a unique and experiential complementary therapy.
executive or staff training, health and safety programs, retreats, symposiums, team building, staff appreciation events
- special events, conferences, conventions
- church groups, wellness fairs, recreation centres
- retirement homes, long term care centres, hospitals, hospices
- day care, public/high schools, colleges and universities
- youth organizations, birthday parties, support groups
- bridal/baby showers, one to one coaching, prisons
Laughter Makes Business Sense
Your employees won’t be sitting in another meeting or lecture, where you hope they get the message. They are having a real-life experience where everyone feels the physical and emotional connections in their body, continuing the techniques and philosophies in every day work and personal lives. Standard packages for events at your choice of venue:
- 15-minute sampler session, allowing participants to re-energize and focus
- 1/2 hour to one hour laughter yoga exercise sessions, (which results in improved health, better personal relations, stronger self esteem and enhanced productivity), followed by a ten minute laughter/relaxation meditation to normalize their systems
- 3 to 12 hour life changing, “Awakening to the Happiness Journey” Series Program
- Virtual and phone conferencing is also available
As a participant, you can expect to:
* create a deeper sense of connection to your authentic self
* uncage your heart and tap into its wisdom and power
* feel lighter, have peace of mind and be inspired to action
* experience powerful shifts in your perspective
* access your courage as you confront and overcome fears
* feel increased levels of self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence
* discover how to transform ‘victim’ mentality to that of empowered creator
* explore untapped leadership and teambuilding potential and gain clarity around your purpose
* experience alignment of mindset, heartset, healthset, and soulset
* identify and transform key patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs
* be equipped with empowering self-love strategies
* create powerful, even lifelong, connections with others
* experience more joy and less stress in your life, more light and less trauma
* transform your life into one of grace, ease and lightness
* practice Napoleon Hills 17 principles of success and Dr. Joe Dispenzas’ teachings
Fees vary depending on program content, customization, and targeted results. Contact us to discuss further, either via phone 905-574-1765 or email at Kathryn@laughyourselfhealthy.ca.
Laughter Yoga is quickly spreading naturally into many different areas as people come to realize how the benefits can improve their lives. Its mission is to provide good health, joy and create a world without pain and illness. Laughter Yoga helps people to deal positively with mental, physical and emotional stresses that can otherwise lead to a breakdown in the workplace and in their private lives. It seeks to build an international community of like-minded people who come and laugh together and receive multiple health benefits.
It improves public speaking skills, and helps make stronger personal connections, especially with new laughers and corporate decision makers.
Laughter Yoga is a unique form of exercise that was founded in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria, a medical doctor from Mumbai, India, where anyone can laugh for no reason without the need for jokes or comedy. Dr. Kataria, and his wife, Madhuri, developed a program that combines laughter as a physical and playful body exercise with yoga in the form of deep yogic breathing (no poses). Scientific research shows that the body does not know the difference between real or fake laughter. So, while the laughter often is initially forced, it soon becomes real due to eye contact and the contagious nature of laughter in a group. What started as one group of 5 people in a park in Mumbai on March 13, 1995, has now grown to become a worldwide phenomenon with more than 8000 clubs in over 100 countries. Laughter Yoga has four active ingredients: laughing, singing, dancing and child-like playfulness. It doesn’t work however, until it is actually used! No special equipment or clothing is needed and it is a great exercise for people of all ages.
Keep in mind, 60 seconds of hearty laughter equals 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Laughter Yoga is a high impact cardiovascular workout so drink plenty of water.
My mission since taking the leadership training in 2010, the teacher training in 2012 and becoming a LAUGHTER AMBASSADOR OF CANADA, in 2017, is to encourage laughter everywhere I go, every day, with everyone, beginning with the young to those who are young at heart in all walks of life.
My goal is to create a world where healthy people come together in harmony and peace, creating a lifetime of happiness for one and for all.
My purpose is to lead by example so I can laugh forever in the minds of others.
“Are YOU making the most out of YOUR innate and infinite ability to be happy!”
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” —Harriet Tubman |
“Laughter makes us more imaginative and creative. It improves our sense of humour.”
~~~~~Albert Einstein
The human brain has a left and a right hemisphere. The left side of the brain is analytical, logical, and concerned with learning skills. The capacity of the left side is LIMITED. The right side of the brain is concerned with intuition, imagination, inventions, music, art, creativity, meditation and healing. The power of the right side of the brain is UNLIMITED. One of the easiest ways to stimulate the right side of the brain is by playfulness. By being playful, it will unfold the unlimited potential of your being.
Creative geniuses are child-like (not child-ish – there’s a difference). Children honor their dreams instead of squelching them, are naturally curious, follow their interests, go wherever their hearts lead them without asking why. They play for the sheer fun of it with no outcome in mind. They don’t worry about “looking silly” or “being right.” Children are open to life; they accept miracles as a natural part of life.
One can never possess what one has not imagined first. Albert Einstein’s most essential mode of discovery was what he called Gedanken – imagination games and thought experiments. He spent time every day dreaming.
One day he imagined riding on a sunbeam into the universe. He mentally traveled into eternity and discovered himself returning to the place from which he began.
He concluded that if he traveled forever in one direction and returned to the place he began, the universe must be “curved.” And so was born his theory of relativity.
The essence of the Laughter Yoga system is to cultivate childlike playfulness. This playfulness stimulates the right brain activity which is the seat of creativity. This helps to generate new ideas and new insights about workplace issues and problems.
All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth. ~~Napoleon Hill
Join the best laughers in the world at the Hamilton Waterfront, Pier 8 in Hamilton Ontario every Sunday from 10:30 – 11:30 am.
Leave your adult self at home and experience the playfulness and joy you felt when you were a child.

One Day and Two Day Laughter Yoga Leader Trainings
2 Day Certified Laughter Yoga Leader training is Back in Play
When: TBA
Time: 10 am – 5 pm
Location: Crieff Hills Retreat & Conference Centre
7098 Concession 1
Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0
Take time for yourself after the day is finished to take a meditative tour of 250 acres of forest trails.
To book your spot for the next ONE DAY BASIC LEARNING WORKSHOP, call NOW to unleash your laughter potential!
I also look forward to customizing a One Day or a Two Day Workshop at your choice of location
Call for your free consultation
Laughter Yoga Sessions for Family & Friends.
Birthday Parties are a Specialty of Mine
“I’ve laughed in snowstorms, hail storms and rain showers”.
Be prepared to have the happiest day of your life, so far!
All ages are welcome, no experience is required and no yoga mats are needed.
Phone: 905-574-1765
Email: kathryn@laughyourselfhealthy.ca
“My intention for your customized laughter yoga session is to create inclusiveness, inspiration, lifetime friendships, self-esteem, confidence, individuality, leadership skills, gratitude, a positive mental attitude, playfulness, burning desires, mindfulness, and to create a welcoming and fun, loving, safe environment for all ages”.
Contact Kathryn
by phone or email for more information
“In life, I am the matriarch of 2 sons, grandmother of 3, holistic practitioner, laughter yoga teacher, Laughter Ambassador of Canada, singer, dowser, Mystic, improvisor, gelotologist, online journalist, vloger, lover of life, a story teller with a unique flare for creating anticipation and intrigue and laughter friend to all.
I am a keynote speaker – educator and a fashionista with a snazzy & unique fashion sense”.