Awaken to Your Divine Feminine Energy

“Awaken to the Secrets of Your Divine Feminine Energy through Dance, Laughter and Mindfulness.”
Kathryn Kimmins is dedicated to providing women, women’s groups and women’s organizations with energy movement and health and well-being programs, using dance, laughter, mindfulness, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Chakra Balancing, reflexology, and creative play.
Tap into your innate & infinite child-like spirit
Increase your happiness potential through infectious enthusiasm
Hi it’s Kathryn – aka, The Laughing Lady
I help energize attendees and direct unforgettable laughter experiences using a unique combination of laughter exercises, deep diaphragmatic breathing, clapping, singing, dancing, Emotional Freedom techniques and Reflexology.
“You have such a beautiful joy filled presence! Everyone loved you and the buzz at the end of the day was and continues to be very upbeat and positive! Just wanted to send along my sincerest thanks Kathryn for “bringing down the house” with your Laughter Presentation at our Conference on April 19.
“Create a Deeper Sense of Connection to Your Authentic Self”
“Experience Powerful Shifts in Your Perspective”
What is Divine Feminine Energy
The sacred feminine energy is nurturing, soft, grounded with strong boundaries, and trusting of her intuition. The sacred masculine energy is present, logical, and focused with a deep desire to protect and build.
The feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play and attune to your internal process. When you connect with the divine goddess energy you reconnect with your worth, your inner value, your vision, your purpose, your passion, your ability to manifest…all the things that make life worth living!
In order to manifest our dreams in a way that has us working smarter, not harder…it’s to attune ourselves to the magnetic divine energy around us. When you are connected and aligned with your divine inner Goddess energy, you become MAGNETIC!
You relax and connect to your inner wisdom of when to move and when to not, when to work and when to rest and play, when to take action and when to lean back and attract it.
What is Dance?
As Sophia Mc Cloud said: “she dances because a celebration calls for dancing the twirl of skirts the swish of hair.” It is the time to celebrate the wonderful being that you are. To live is to celebrate. When you move your energy moves and this isn’t about being a good dancer and looking a certain way. It is about moving your body and shifting however it looks like and trust me it works and I know because I did it and what looked like the smallest movement made a huge impact.
What is Mindfulness
Transformative mindfulness is a form of mindfulness meditation that helps empower individuals to change their response to current problems, while strengthen positive qualities and acceptance of themselves and others.
Why Art?
Because your right brain holds wisdom that can’t always be accessed by logical thinking and conversation alone. Art helps you to tap into your subconscious and clearly visualize the results you want in life. The visualization process has been used successfully in sports, business, and other industries for years, and is scientifically proven to work. Essentially, by creating a physical image of your dream life, you’ll be more likely to achieve it.
What is Laughter Yoga
Laughter Yoga is quickly spreading naturally into many different areas as people come to realize how the benefits can improve their lives. Its mission is to provide good health, joy and create a world without pain and illness. Laughter Yoga helps people to deal positively with mental, physical and emotional stresses that can otherwise lead to a breakdown in the workplace and in their private lives. It seeks to build an international community of like-minded people who come and dance & laugh together and receive multiple health benefits.
As it induces unconditional laughter through group dynamics and childlike playfulness, Laughter Yoga enables people to communicate and freely express their emotions. As it is an instant stress buster, it generates positive feelings and alleviates all negative strains of thought. Laughter breaks down barriers and creates an instant connection.
It improves public speaking skills, and helps make stronger inner and personal connections, and corporate decision making.
What is Emotional Freedom Technique
Tapping (also known as EFT can bring you quick, effective RELIEF from stress, anxiety, overwhelm, pain and suffering, distressing thoughts, disturbing memories, and limiting beliefs.
It can help you connect with your inner power and transform procrastination and frustration so you can achieve your dreams. EFT Tapping can remove the blocks to abundance, love, and vitality.
What is Reflexology
Reflexology, also known as zone therapy, is an alternative medical practice involving the application of pressure to specific points on the feet and hands. This is done using thumb, finger, and hand massage techniques without the use of oil or lotion.
Transforming Stress
What you resist persists, what you accept begins to change or heal.
1. To gain a new perspective on or insight into a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual problem and your reactions to it.
2. To draw on the visual, sensory and emotional channels of the brain to allow for new understanding to your problem.
3. To transform and find new meaning of your troubling problems or uncomfortable issues.
Photography as a Tool of Empowerment
In the two day empowerment photo shoot workshop you will collaborate with a photographer to create an image that reminds you of your own inner beauty. This will be a photo shoot in a safe, playful and artistic environment – you may photograph as much or as little as you like. For example, you may prefer to capture the magic in your eyes – exclusively! The choice is yours.
You will be surprised by your own beauty! Body image is how you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind. – by looking at the creative photos of yourself you will change your body image
My mission is to encourage laughter and dance everywhere we go, every day, with everyone, beginning with the young to those who are young at heart in all walks of life.
My goal is to create a world where women come together in harmony, love and peace, creating a lifetime of happiness.
My purpose is to lead by example so we can dance, laugh and play forever in the minds of others.
Transforming Your Inner Goddess Energy workshop series are good for:
executives trainings
staff training
health and wellness
retreats and symposiums
team building
women appreciation events
special events
conferences, conventions
church groups
wellness fairs
colleges, universities
youth organizations
birthday parties, bridal showers
support groups
- one to one coaching, group coaching
lunch n learns, breakout sessions
You won’t be sitting in another meeting or lecture, you’ll be having a real-life experience where everyone feels the physical and emotional connections in their body, continuing the techniques and philosophies in every day work and personal lives.
Standard packages for events at your choice of venue:
15 minute sampler session, allowing participants to re-energize and focus
1/2 hour to 1 hour session, followed by a 10 minute mindfulness exercise
customized “Awaken To Your Feminine Energy” Series Program
1 day event
2 day workshop (overnight accommodations are available)
virtual sessions
Fees vary depending on the offering you are interested in and dependent on program content, customization and targeted results.
As a participant, you can expect to:
* create a deeper sense of connection to your authentic self
* uncage your heart and tap into its wisdom and power
* feel lighter, have peace of mind and be inspired to action
* experience powerful shifts in your perspective
* access your courage as you confront and overcome fears
* feel increased levels of self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence
* discover how to transform ‘victim’ mentality to that of empowered creator
* explore untapped leadership and team building potential
* gain clarity around your purpose
* experience alignment of mindset, heartset, healthset, and soulset
* identify and transform key patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs
* be equipped with empowering self-love strategies
* create powerful, even lifelong, connections with others
* experience more joy and less stress in your life, more light and less trauma
* transform your life into one of grace, ease and lightness
* cultivate the Goddess within
* dance, laugh, play, live, love
* tap using Emotional Freedom Techniques
* become more mindful through meditation
* align with the energy of love
* attract anything you want into your life
* elevate your life
* pride in oneself, self-respect
* Know, Do, Be beautiful
* tap into tantra goddess energy
Crieff Hills Retreat and Convention Centre
Labyrinth Walk, Amphitheatre and Hiking Trails available to explore.
“The feminine is the creative force. Creation can occur in many ways—artistic expression, writing, dance, painting, or dreaming up new ideas. Envision what you want to create. Anything that expresses your flow is considered feminine.”
Awaken Your Inner Goddess One Day Workshop
Say thank you for what is already yours! Living in the feminine energy is effortless and joyful. You attract what you want in life, loving partner, fulfillment, success, creativity … you fill in the blank with whatever you want. You attract without trying, striving and tirelessly working, you get what you want by being your true self, without fear and without worry, your heart leads you to hap
Join fellow Goddesses!
This year give yourself the gift of Freedom and Liberation to do what you want to do!
Payment Method: Electronic Funds Transfer
I look forward to customizing a Goddess workshop just for you
LOCATION: Crieff Hills Retreat and Convention
7098 Concession 1,
Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0
Or your location of choice
What you will receive from this workshop
– Growth and transformation in the circle of supportive goddesses
– Your own empowering photoshoot
– Laughter Yoga
– Reflexology Techniques
– Transformative Mindfulness Methods
– Chakra clearing and balancing
– Goddess Energy Activation (Tantra)
– Emotional Freedom Techniques
– Labyrinth Goddess Walk
“Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” ~ Byron Katie
Covid update: Double vaccinated, masks optional. Hopefully the restrictions will change
Full kitchen available. Bring your own lunch.
If you have questions about this workshop call Kathryn Kimmins
at: 905-574-1765