
A Whammy of a Laughter Day
Did you ever have a day where one thing after another happened and all you wanted to do was go back to bed and try again. Well I had one of those days during the Family Day weekend, hahaha! I refer to that day as the...
Laughing to Uncover Your Unique Ability for the New Year
I believe we were put on this earth with a unique set of talents and gifts, which may include helping to inspire and motivate people to action. The most successful people have learned how to tap into this skill and apply it with passion and enthusiasm. They align all...
Laughing to Ease Asthma and Bronchitis Symptoms – Part 2
Diaphragm Breathing: The usual prescription for asthmatic patients is chest physiotherapy to remove mucous (phlegm) from the respiratory passages. Blowing forcefully into an instrument and blowing balloons is one of the common exercises given to asthmatics. Laughter...
Yawning to Cool Your Brain
You never know the benefits Laughter Yoga can bring. During a recent Laughter Yoga session, one participant revealed to me that after she had acquired a brain injury, she had stopped yawning. After I introduced her to a yawning laughter exercise, she started yawning...
Hand Reflexology: A Boost of Electrical Energy
Being fully awakened is ultimately achieved through heart-centered living, and is our natural state. Hand reflexology is a sensational, dynamic, yet simple approach to glowing health.** It requires no expense, no special equipment, no drugs, and no medication. By...
Lifting Brain Fog
You are much greater than you think you are. “You are a spiritual being having a human experience.”* We tend to think of the mind in terms of gaining knowledge and increasing capacity for learning via the brain. But the mind is capable of much more. We become habitual...
Bridging the Heart and Brain Connection
“Your body cannot heal without play. Your mind cannot heal without laughter. Your soul cannot heal without joy”. --Catherine Rippenger Fenwick“ It’s been eleven years in the making of my laughter yoga business, (who would have thought). In that time of...
A Heart for People
If you’ve ever seen me in person, you know I don’t blitz through a room. Instead, I stroll around a room, shaking hands, saying hello while I offer smiles and laughter. It’s my way of showing that I care. It can be a very busy room when I am laughing with my “Young at...
Developing Your Vision
A CLEAR LINE A vision allows everything to fall into place. It gives everyone a line of sight from where they are to where they’re going. It’s not just what you want to achieve for yourself, but how you help clients achieve their vision and contribute to the...
YO HOHO! It’s Time to Have Fun!
To revel in joy and peace is a rare occurrence for adults. Part of it, I believe, stems from an acquired cynicism that comes with adulthood, necessary at times, though never to the extent in which it is upheld. We also tend to view the world with already arrived at...
I’m not here to make you laugh. I’m here to help you tap into your innate and infinite ability to laugh!
Kathryn Kimmins