“Every once in awhile, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.”
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
~ Maya Angelou
“The mutual practice of giving and receiving is an everyday ritual when we know true love.”
Always give without remembering and also receive without forgetting.
“What does one person give to another? He gives of himself, of the most precious he has, he gives of his life…”
~ Erich Fromm
“Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?”
~ Martin Luther King
“To ensure health in mind, body and spirit; increase giving and receiving love.”
~ Renae A. Sauter
“At this moment, life is trying to love you and give to you in a million wonderful ways. When you say Yes, you allow love to flow, which is the greatest gift you can give yourself and the universe. What do you want that you could be more open to receiving?
~ Alan Cohen
“Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”
~ Brian Tracy
“A merry heart does good like medicine.”
~ Proverbs 17:22
“Joy of giving, joy of receiving”.
~ Lailah Gifty Akita
“Love sparkles and shines out from those giving and receiving it. It can be seen and felt. Love causes flowers to bloom providing beauty. It causes hearts to bloom, providing the beauty that is instilled within me and you.”
~Janet G. Nestor
“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
~ Kahlil Gibran
“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”
~ Romans 12:10
“And so I have come to understand that strength, inner strength, comes from receiving love as much as it comes from giving it.”
~ Donald Miller
“Giving and receiving is the law of life. When we give with love and accept with deepest gratitude, our souls rejoice.”
~ Debasish Mridha
Call Kathryn direct to make an appointment: 905-574-1765
Email: info@laughyourselfhealthy.ca