Holistic Practices

CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy releases tension deep in the central nervous system so that every other system in the body can relax and self correct. It helps you naturally free yourself of pain, stress related pain, stress disorders and discomfort.
How a treatment helps:
- headaches, migraines, insomnia
- restores normal cranial mobility
- release abnormal myofascial restrictions and tensions in the body
- scoliosis, fibromyalgia, brain and spinal cord injuries, chronic fatigue
- release abnormal restrictions in the head
- eases restrictions of nerves
- optimizes cerebrospinal fluid movement through the central nervous system
- helps restore misaligned bones to their proper positions (assisting troubles with back, hips, shoulder, neck, knees)
- recurrent ear infections
- facial asymmetries and eye motor problems
- learning disabilities, A.D.D., A.D.H.D
- gross and fine motor problems
- developmental delays, autism
- tinnitus, hearing loss and vertigo
- TMJ syndrome, muscle pain
- many neurological conditions
CranioSacral Therapy is becoming a treatment of choice in areas of pain, rehabilitation and neurology. Also called CST, or cranial osteopathy, it is a gentle non-invasive, hands-on technique, developed by an American osteopathic physician almost one hundred years ago. CST theory and practice is based on understanding the continuous subtle movements of the cranial bones, which result in a rhythm of approximately six to twelve cycles per minute. This rhythm is understood as a response to cerebrospinal fluid (SCF) fluctuations within the spinal cord and brain environment. The subtle movement extends outward to the entire body, in response to the fluid pressure changes around the Central Nervous System (CNS).
A therapist gently works with the spine and the skull, and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia. By using the hands as fine discriminating tools, CranioSacral therapists are able to detect disturbances in the rhythm to help them identify areas of dysfunction such a cranial sutural membrane and other soft tissue restrictions in the body.
Patients remain clothed during a treatment and treatments generally are one hour long.
Most clients feel very little during a treatment, perhaps a feeling of relaxation or less foggy feeling, a tingling sensation, sometimes falling asleep, they get up feeling much better, clearer and often with less pain.
When you relax the central nervous system you allow the body to self-correct itself and relieve itself of pain and dysfunction.
I met Kathryn through another gifted friend.
My first impression of Kathryn was a warm hearted and caring person. She had a lot of positivity and high energy.
The first healing I received from her was absolutely powerful. I felt recharged and relaxed all at the same time………..I apparently fell asleep.
If it’s a healing, recharge, or a clearing of your soul, then I recommend Kathryn…wholeheartedly.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity Kathryn!
Energy Work– “Universal Life Force Energy”
Life Force Energy flows through every living thing. I practice a hands on healing or hands off practice that flows in through the practitioner and into the client’s pathways, called chakras and meridians and around the body in a field of energy called the aura.
Energy work is simple, natural, safe and non-invasive. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to promote recovery.
Patients remain clothed during a treatment and treatments generally are one hour long.
What are the benefits?
It is believed that negative thoughts such as anger, fear, bitterness, sadness, low self-esteem become trapped in the body and cause illness. A treatment helps remove the blocks and is a healing energy that:
- relaxes and relieves stress & pain
- clears energy blocks
- has the potential of self-healing
- enables emotional release
- addresses high blood pressure, breathing problems
- migraines and nausea caused by chemo and radiation

I went to a demonstration workshop for a Natural Healing Therapies workshop led by Kathryn Kimmins.
Kathryn asked for a volunteer so I accepted the invitation. I shared with the class that I had a migraine headache and then I lied down on the massage table.
In the beginning I felt stress in my shoulders and I was tense and nervous.
As Kathryn started working on me, my body started to relax. When she was working on my hips I felt a big release and I could feel energy in my feet. My feet were cold at the end of the session.
My nervousness disappeared and calm replaced tension. When Kathryn had her hand on my abdomen I experienced fluttering and rumbling in my belly and I sensed a feeling of warmth.
After the treatment my migraine was gone and I was able to talk to the class, something I never would have done before. I didn’t feel like the center of attention which is usually unpleasing to me.
I would definitely recommend CST to everyone.
Kathryn’s programs include the teachings and demonstrations of both modalities
Call or email for a free consultation 905-574-1765