How Kathryn Helps Others

Nancy Patterson’s testimonial on the
laughter yoga 2 day training
It was so good to enjoy belly laughs and exercise together. We learned so many great tips today.
I am particularly impressed with burning more calories faster with laughing than with “boring exercises”.
Thank you so much for your willingness to share your talents with us.
I will make sure other RWTO Branches know about you.
Hello Kathryn,
Thank you so very much in making the event so much fun. I was very happy with your presentation. You made everyone feel so comfortable and therefore it was easy for them to participate. The ratings were all 9 & 10 so that is awesome. Thank you once again for your professionalism and providing so much FUN! FUN! FUN! Looking forward to getting together soon. I will be in touch. “Wishing you warm breezes and laughter.”
Hi Kathryn, I just wanted to let you know how much I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at the Women’s Retreat at Crieff on Saturday evening. Boy, did I need that laughter! I realize now that Laughter Yoga is way beyond what I ever imagined it might possibly be. I am interested in the 2 day course you’ll be offering in February 2019.
Thank you once again,
“Please allow me to introduce myself. I work at Mohawk College as a career coach. You taught our team laughter yoga on June 8th at the Royal Botanical Gardens. You probably don’t recall, but I was the lady who complimented you on your beautiful hat prior to your workshop.
Since taking your class, I have been laughing every morning for 10 – 15 minutes. I can’t thank you enough for coming to our PD day.
It was so good to enjoy belly laughs and Kathryn, your presentation was wonderful. It was a lot of fun and a real eye-opener for our Rotary Club of Stoney Creek members. I spoke with a number of our members afterwards and they really enjoyed your talk and the exercises you took us all through. Thanks again!
I have always been a person enjoyed laughing herself silly so when I first heard about Laughter Yoga I immediately wanted to find out more.
I learned that Laughter Yoga started in India, through Dr. Kataria and his wife Madhuri, who were convinced that laughter in fact is the best medicine. A few minutes of laughter does provide a full body workout. It moves every single muscle in our bodies, helps unwind negative effects of stress and boosts our immune system.
Through the support of the Staying Strong Program (Thank You!) we were able to invite laughter yoga teacher Kathryn Kimmins to two social events this summer. At both events, a group of close to 40 people came together for a summer potluck dinner and – surprise – was invited to participate in a laughter yoga session. Nearly everyone joined and the few who choose to watch from a safe distance could not help but to giggle and laugh with us – laughter is so incredibly contagious. And what a laugh we had. It was incredible. Relaxing, engaging, and refreshing.
And the best part of laughter yoga? Everybody – really everybody – can do it. You can do it on your own at home alone or with an instructor on the computer screen, you can do it in groups that meet in parks, health or community centers or care facilities. Laughter Yoga lends itself to be integrated into the balanced, active, healthy lifestyle that is so beneficial for people affected by Huntington’s Disease. Research has proven that you can significantly delay the onset of HD by staying physically, mentally and socially active, and we have much reason to trust that taking good care of yourself can slow down the progression of the disease. I am referring to a previous Horizon Newsletter that reported on a survey with more than 150 people at risk for HD in Australia and New Zealand.
The survey revealed that “people who were active – either physically or intellectually – developed symptoms as much as 4.6. years later than their couch potato counterparts.”
The recommendation was and is to “play an instrument, learn a new language, hit the tennis court or just walk”.
Let’s add laughter yoga to the list!
“Kathryn and I have enjoyed doing B2B and we have developed a great friendship in business. Through her teaching of laughter yoga I have learned to have less stress in my business and more enjoyment in my everyday living. I feel stronger, more in control of my life. Her healthy lifestyle is spread to others through her amazing smile and warm heart. She shows you a way to see the sunshine in your every day activities.
Laughter yoga is an easy exercise that anyone can do, no mats needed, no twisting bodies, no bending over backwards to reach a
certain position. You just have fun, learning to breathe deeply while standing or sitting on a regular chair whether you are 1 or 100. Laughter Yoga is a great way to enjoy life and improve your ability to get on with your day with less stress.
I highly recommend you try a Laughter Yoga class stop by Hamilton Grooves with Laughter or book a corporate class for your staff.”
Creative Outdoor Advertising worked directly with Kathryn at Laugh Yourself Healthy.”
“Our residents, guests, staff, & family members thoroughly enjoyed yesterday.Your enthusiasm and the way you were able to connect with each person really made for an incredibly special day!
The residents are saying that we have to have you back again!”
Kathryn, You are a star! You are such a blessing and a fantastic la ha ha laughing ha ha ha lady! I just wanted to send along my sincerest thanks to you for “bringing down the house” with your Laughter Presentation at our Conference on April 19, 2018, at the Oakville Conference Centre, AND for hosting a Cranial Sacral Massage exhibit. It was all so lovely and really nice to have met you! You have such a beautiful joy filled presence! Everyone loved you and the buzz at the end the day was and continues to very upbeat and positive! As people were leaving, I heard some chatter about wanting to look into booking you. I sincerely hope this happens for you!
“I wanted to thank you again, most whole heartedly for the fun and frolicking presentation on Monday night for CFUW Burlington.
What a great lesson you taught me. The whole CFUW group in fact! What a delightful time we had!
I took away some very positive and laughter filled ideas from your presentation!
I also wanted to let you know I immediately started laughter yoga with my two grandsons. Our three year old grandson has even come up with his own laughter moments “Coo. Coo Coo. Coocococococococococoooo” and the sounds monkeys make “Ouw. Ouw Ouw. Ouwouwouwouwouw”
Laughter helps to turn frowns upside down. The whole family is encouraged by Very Good, Very Good, Yay with their successes!! Noah is learning how to dress himself and waits for the positive reinforcement. And I do the wonderful Ha Ha, Ho Ho, He He, Hi Hi, Coo Coo etc around 5 pm, to get over that ” when is dinner, I am exhausted” hump!! with the little boys. Even James, 18 months old holds my hands to do “hahahahahaha”
And they enjoy “Very good, very good Hooray” for successful and cooperative moments.
Best wishes, and I hope to see you soon.”
I know everyone just loved your session and it was definitely the highlight of the course! You were great and a pleasure to work with! EVERYONE walked away smiling and laughing! Our youth are not always so welcoming or trusting to new comers and/or guest speakers, we could not have asked for a better experience and providing the opportunity for these lovely young women to laugh their fears away and bond in a comfortable environment.
Thank You so much!
Dear Kathryn,
“Workplace Group and I would like to thank you for your time and expertise to the 2011 Get MACtive Employee Health Challenge!
This was the most successful challenge we have held to date with over 600 people competing on over 80 teams. The challenge feedback was also better than ever with people raving about each session that was offered throughout the challenge. None of this would have been possible without your support!
Thank you again for being involved! I look forward to working with you again in the near future”
“Having heard about Laughter Yoga I was curious to experience it for myself. A couple of colleagues and I attended a class at Hamilton Grooves with Laughter Yoga club facilitated by Kathryn Kimmins and boy, did we laugh. It was a wonderful experience to just let go and let the playful child come out. There were times during the class that I was laughing so hard I was crying, and others followed suit. All of the worries of the day were gone, and my mind was free to let go. I felt refreshed and cheerful when I left the class. As I was driving home I noticed my abdominal muscles were fatigued and I felt great”.
Dear Kathryn,
We are all thrilled to have enjoyed you as a most wonderful conclusion to a very special evening!
Our Sex, Humour and Health seminar was greatly covered from the different perspectives, and I could see how well you engaged us all, explaining the laughter effect and engaging us with interactive laughter yoga exercises! Thank you very very much!
Best wishes for good laughs, to good health all around and in you!
Thank you for sharing some laughter in the Cotton Club Co-working Space. You absolutely uplifted the audience with your smile & energy.
I think every organization should have you in to boost employee moral and productivity. Oh the healing power of a smile!
I would like to share a story of a young woman who attended my Laughter Yoga classes back in 2013. Her name is Lori. Her mode of transportation is wheelchair, she is non-verbal and her zest for life is laughing, hugs and going for bumpy car rides. At least that’s what I was told by the women who brought her every second and fourth Tuesday.
She’s laughing even before she arrives.
During the class her eyes are sparkling and twinkling, her cheeks get rosy and she has a permanent grin on her face.
One Tuesday night, we had four new people come to the class at the Music Palace. For some people laughing is a very hard thing to do, even when it comes to faking it. It doesn’t come easy for them.One particular young man in his twenties, who came to the club for the first time, hadn’t laughed since he was a child. His mother thought laughter yoga might just be the thing for him. We started with our warm up breathing exercises and then got serious about the laughing part of it. This is where it gets good.
Lori started wheeling herself around to the other participants, while reaching out to them. The young man amazed me by reaching back and laughing along with her. At one point while I was explaining an exercise, Lori started to demonstrate how it was done. I was so thrilled by this, I started cheering her on and everyone followed suit. The young man laughed and tapped into his child-like spirit for the entire hour. It was an amazing transformation. His mother mentioned that she hadn’t seen him laugh so hard and for so long, since he was little. Laughter Yoga is a transformative experience
As for Lori, she keeps spreading sunshine wherever she goes. She is truly an inspiration!
Laughter has so many wonderful benefits, but the part I like best is watching strangers interact with other in such a fun way that they end up connecting in a way that is so exciting.
Laughter Yoga is a unique concept that sets us free of obstacles and life’s challenges and allows us to be who we are meant to be.
Walking Under a Ladder Laughter Exercise – Irish Superstition
Happy Valentine’s Day Laughter Exercises
Halloween Laughter Yoga Exercises
Pot of Gold Laughter Exercise
Green Beer Smoothie Laughter Exercise
Blossoming Flower Exercise
“All you need is a willingness to laugh!”
Check out Kathryn’s Facebook page:
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