Castle Doune (Dean), once called St Mary’s Lodge was presumably a dowers house or a gate lodge for the estate’s factor.
“Every once in awhile, in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale.”
“When you choose to be optimistic, you radically change your electromagnetic field, bringing a brighter, happier light frequency to your world –and to the world of those around you”!
“Love is energy. In fact, it’s the greatest and most creative power in the cosmos. Love is as vital and dynamic as any energy that we’re capable of experiencing”.
This part of Doune Castle, on the other side of the white lady is part of the original structure of Doune.
Castle Doune: Sir Allan MacNab employed Robert Wetherell to design his regency residence Dundurn and four out- buildings between 1835 – 40.
“Spending time in silence helps you get in touch with your true spiritual self. It creates clarity and a greater capacity to focus. This sends out waves of peaceful energy that are very calming and attractive to most people in this chaotic world.”
“It’s finally time to take complete control of the powerful energy generator that directs destiny — your mind.”
“If all the neurons of your brain were to fire at once, it would actually produce enough electricity to illuminate a lightbulb — such is the power of your mind, and the electromagnetic power of your thoughts!”
Booboo is becoming less skittish with each visit. My loving caring playful voice calls her out of hiding so we can play. She’s very curious, so I always bring something to play with.
Booboo is very skittish. My loving caring playful voice calls her out of hiding so we can play. She’s very curious, so I always bring something to play with.
Since 2008, the home has been owned by Merosia Butschynski, a now retired architect from Toronto. Merosia and I have a long lasting friendship history dating back to 2000.
Photo credit: Mark McNeil
To Navigate, you must be brave and you must “REMEMBER”
Remember to do your laughter yoga morning workout as someone you’d like to emulate. Even if it’s just for one night.
Photo credit: Daniel Whalen
I met Merosia back in 2000. She was the first person to introduce me to energy work.
“Self – honouring choices displays the highest regard for your dignity and your physical and emotional well-being.”
“Playing a flute is like writing a book, you’re telling what’s in your heart. It’s easier to play if it’s right from your heart. You get the tone, and the fingers will follow.”
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.”
”By releasing fear and self-criticism, you’re actually awakening to your most fundamental truth — your value. In fact, embracing your value is the best way to foster the growth of love in your life.”
“The pursuit of our desires helps us connect with both our passion and our purpose. Our intentions are our motivations. This is one of the strongest influences on our power of manifestation”
Call Kathryn direct to make an appointment: 905-574-1765
Email: info@laughyourselfhealthy.ca