The Effect of Laughter Yoga on Progressive Diseases
“Everyone joined in and the few who chose to watch from a safe distance could not help but giggle and laugh with us – laughter is so incredibly contagious. And what a laugh we had. It was incredible. Relaxing, engaging, and refreshing.”
Maike Zinabou – Huntington Disease Canada

Laughter Yoga for Cancer Support Groups
Laughter Yoga is a great therapeutic alternative that combines laughter exercises with yogic deep breathing, for a complete workout of wellness.
Cancer patients are so focused on getting rid of the toxins in their body that they lose touch with their innate ability to heal. Studies have shown that a great way to access that part of your inner healing is to rediscover fun and play. Laughter Yoga and laughter in general:
- counter stress and fear by releasing chemicals that reduce stress within minutes.
- promote a positive outlook when hearty laughter eases depression, especially when practiced within a group of peers.
- help deal with pain when the brain releases endorphins. More than two hours of pain relief is provided by a typical laughter yoga session.
- oxygenates the body. Ongoing research shows a strong relationship between oxygen in our cells and the development of cancer. Just ten minutes of hearty laughter leaves the body and major organs super-oxygenized.
Laughter Yoga is also a new way for the family to reconnect with their loved one with cancer, on a level other than medical appointments and therapies. They learn to laugh together again. Our bodies don’t know the difference between a fake laugh and a real one, so “forcing” yourself to laugh will help in reconnecting with your inner spirit, which may have been robbed from you because of this cancerous toxin.
I’m a Certified Laughter Yoga teacher currently facilitating Living Healthier Lifestyle seminars through Laughter Yoga to many organizations such as churches, hospitals, hospices, Boards of Education, wellness retreats, senior centres, and retirement homes across Ontario. I help people live a joyful, healthy and peaceful lifestyle.
Laughter Yoga at MD Anderson Cancer Centre link
Laughter Yoga for Those on Kidney Dialysis
Dialysis – Definition
Dialysis is an artificial process used to remove water and waste substances from the blood when the kidneys fail to function properly.
It’s Process
It generally works through osmosis and filtration of fluid across a semi permeable membrane with the use of a dialysate.
Dialysis is most commonly prescribed for patients with temporary or permanent kidney failure. People with end stage renal disease have kidneys that can’t remove fluids from their body.
Dialysis alone does not effectively remove all the waste from the body and in between treatments toxins and waste products continue to build in the body. One way to assist the body in between dialysis appointments is to eat a physician approved renal diet. A dialysis diet will limit the waste produced, maintain a balance of electrolytes, minerals and fluid in patients who are on dialysis.
Read this incredible article on how Laughter Yoga helps those on Dialysis
Call Today to Book Your Laughter Yoga Sessions
“I started doing Laughter Yoga a few months ago. I have multiple sclerosis and have limited mobility and this is one form of exercise that I can do. MS is an autoimmune disease that can lead to damage in virtually any part of the body. Your immune system attacks itself and leaves damage to the myelin sheath (cover over nerves) which short circuits the messages coming from the brain and spinal cord. I have trouble walking and using my right hand and get fatigued very easily. After a few classes of Laughter Yoga I found that I was able to sit up and get out of bed with ease compared to struggling beforehand.
I have also regained the feeling in my foot which has been numb for 6 yrs. I read that training your brain to be happy can create new neural pathways and now I believe it. Kathryn is amazing and has the most infectious laugh. I look forward to more laughter classes.
Laughter Yoga has helped me with my sleep apnea so much I haven’t needed to use my machine for six months. Even the discomfort of Raynaud’s disease has decreased since doing Laughter Yoga.
Laughter Yoga has allowed me to be emotionally stronger & physically active like I use to be. I am more open and feisty. I no longer feel sorry for myself or angry at myself. My attitude has changed to being more positive.
Laughter Yoga has helped open my eyes to my partner’s Narcissistic behaviour. I don’t make excuses for him anymore, and his isolating behaviour doesn’t bother me any longer. I am now strong enough to end the relationship.
Every time I join Kathryn and my laughter support group I learn more about how laughter is changing my life.
“Laughter Yoga was a new concept to me. I joined the laughter sessions at Sackville Hill Senior Recreation Centre out of curiosity. I am glad I did and I benefited from it. Yes, we laugh a lot; sometimes we have to force the laughter but then it continues naturally. Through laughter, we do affirmations, along with some physical routines and breathing exercises. The class is structured and interactive. The meditation at the end is a good culminating exercise.
I feel it to be a safe environment to let go of my inhibitions and be myself and discover the potential to rid my being of baggage. At the end of the session, I felt better and that I got quite a workout without having to stretch on a mat”.
“Laugh Yourself Healthy” with Laughter Yoga.
For me, these words could never be more true. I have bipolar disorder, rapidly cycling through periods of depression and hypo-mania. Since joining a laughter yoga group under the guidance of Kathryn Kimmins and practising laughter yoga at home, my cycles are less often and less acute. Kathryn has the unique ability of making laughter come alive, involving participants in the joy of laughter and of life. For me, this is a movement towards improved health. I experience not only the physical health and social benefits of laughter yoga, but significant mental health benefits as well. Including play on a daily basis means I have added joy and zest to my life. Little yellow stickies plastered around my house remind me to be playful. I sing, dance, do silly things, colour, and laugh spontaneously. My anxiety has eased, meaning I am less reliant on medications. My stress is relieved, my mood improved and my resilience enhanced. I am not one to appreciate jokes, so originally was suspicious of laughter yoga. I have had a complete turn about. The unconditional laughter of laughter yoga has won me over, making me a true believer and consistent supporter of laughter yoga and of Kathryn Kimmins.
“Play is one of the highest spiritual forms of being.
When we’re in that state, we get lost in ourselves.
which allows the mind to receive the message of the spirit.”
~~Ellie Katz, American scientist and playologist