Laughter with Disabled Adults
“Kathryn, has touched the souls of our participants and have gained confidence by her visits. She has a way with our participants that get them involved and interacting in ways that they have never done before.”
Connie Rocheleau, Supervisor – Kiwanis Adult Day Program

Laughter is exceptionally good for physical and emotional health. It helps boost self-esteem, which is particularly great for disabled persons. The method of laughter yoga, which is now practiced in 110 countries around the world, enables people to experience acceptance and joy.
Connie Rocheleau, Supervisor of Kiwanis adult Day Program is quoted as saying,
“In 2011 our participants were introduced to laughter yoga by Kathryn Kimmins. They look forward to having her come on a monthly basis. Kathryn, has touched the souls of our participants and have gained confidence by her visits. She has a way with our participants that get them involved and interacting in ways that they have never done before. We are blessed to have such a unique way of programming and would suggest having Kathryn as your Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher“.
Laughter yoga is a great addition to any program offered because it gets people doing physical exercise. Even if they are restricted to a wheelchair, they still get a cardiovascular workout by laughing.
Some of the individuals I work with can’t comprehend a joke but with laughter yoga they don’t need to. They just see me laughing and they laugh along or at least smile. It is so contagious, which makes it really effective here.
I have been facilitating Laughter Yoga sessions for several Hamilton Community Living locations since 2011.
An employee at Parkdale Community Living tells me regularly that I have a natural gift when laughing with special needs adults.
Having worked for the Hamilton Board of Education as an educational assistant for sixteen years taught me that patience, a loving heart and playful spirit contributed to my continued desire to be part of this growing population.
I would like to share a story of a young woman who attended my Laughter Yoga classes back in 2013. Her name is Lori. Her mode of transportation is wheelchair, she is non-verbal and her zest for life is laughing, hugs and going for bumpy car rides. At least that’s what I was told by the women who brought her every second and fourth Tuesday.
She’s laughing even before she arrives. During the class her eyes are sparkling and twinkling, her cheeks get rosy and she has a permanent grin on her face.
One Tuesday night, we had four new people come to the class at the Music Palace. For some people laughing is a very hard thing to do, even when it comes to faking it. It doesn’t come easy for them.
One particular young man in his twenties, who came to the club for the first time, hadn’t laughed since he was a child. His mother thought laughter yoga might just be the thing for him. We started with our warm up breathing exercises and then got serious about the laughing part of it. This is where it gets good.
Lori started wheeling herself around to the other participants, while reaching out to them. The young man amazed me by reaching back and laughing along with her. At one point while I was explaining an exercise, Lori started to demonstrate how it was done. I was so thrilled by this, I started cheering her on and everyone followed suit. The young man laughed and tapped into his child-like spirit for the entire hour. It was an amazing transformation. His mother mentioned that she hadn’t seen him laugh so hard and for so long, since he was little. Laughter Yoga is a transformative experience.
As for Lori, she keeps spreading sunshine wherever she goes. She is truly an inspirational woman.
Some of the individuals I work with can’t comprehend a joke but with laughter yoga they don’t need to. They just see me laughing and they laugh along or at least smile. It is so contagious, which makes it really effective here”.
Laughter has so many wonderful benefits, but the part I like best is watching strangers interact with child-like innocence and end up connecting in a way that is so exciting.
Laughter Yoga is a unique concept that sets us free of obstacles and life’s challenges and allows us to be who we are meant to be.
The principles of laughter yoga can dissipate conflict just by laughing and walking. By the time you get where you are going you won’t remember why you are mad, it’s an instant mood changer.”
Participants are the clients and staff of the Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club of Hamilton and Community Living, Hamilton, Burlington & Oakville, Full Circle, Good Shephard, & Lawson Ministries.
Book Your Laughter Session Today

Hello Kathryn; Thank you so much for sharing your laughter yoga sessions on Zoom, and in person as well. You should know that, with the recent class time change, it is at the exact time that Rhiannon is getting up, (with scheduled staff), to have her breakfast. She gets so much joy from the experience of taking your sessions, that Rhiannon was excited to be able to delay her breakfast last Friday in order to join your session in time.
Friday is usually a day at home for her, starting off her four day weekend. Since you so kindly provided the information to find your online sessions, Rhiannon has played them and participated along with them, on your website, and on the YouTube channel, on her iPad, every day since. She has also explored similar videos, and now she just starts her iPad time doing your sessions. The laughter, and the yoga breath work, as well as the emphasis on self-appreciation, really relates to Rhiannon’s many years of practicing yoga, and learning various relaxation techniques. She uses the cheers at other times in her week, and the pats on her own back. Many “moments” of her sessions with you are repeating, and I thank you for that. Rhiannon’s birthday is September 24th, and I am very glad she’ll start her day enjoying a laughter yoga session with you. It’s a joy, as her parent, to hear that laughter and be here to see the fun she has. Rhiannon loves being able to use Zoom for the classes, and to have a group experience for that entire 45 minutes. I’m happy to encourage and assist her do so. Thank you for sharing your laughter.